RootStock Artists
Partial List of TCA artists past and present:
Beto and The Fairlanes, BettySoo, The Biscuit Brothers, Javier Chapparo, Del Castillo, Guy Forsyth, Warren Hood, Jones Family Singers, Los Texmaniacs, Lost and Nameless, Elana James, MFSB, Matt the Electrician, Joe McDermott, Kupira Marimba, Bruce Robison and Kelly Willis, Peggy Stern, Carolyn Wonderland
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Are you or your organization a tax-exempt nonprofit organization and/or Texas entity of government or education?
RootStock Artists works hand in hand with The Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA) which provides grants to help with the costs of bringing artists from their roster for performances. RootStock Artists worked with over 15 of their such artists to secure their position on the TCA roster.
These artists have a history of touring and will be willing to travel outside of their community to do a performance. They are also required to maintain a reasonable fee range.
Arts Respond Performance Support is the companion grant program that allows performing arts presenters in Texas to apply for a portion of the artistic fees for one or more approved artists from the Texas Touring Roster. The presenter may apply for a portion of the negotiated fee (based on a sliding scale ranging from 30% to 50%) for an artist for an Arts Respond Performance Grant. Funding is also contingent upon the availability of TCA funds.
To encourage partnerships with other state, regional, and national organizations, a partial list of performing arts service providers is included. The Southwest Performing Arts Presenters is a consortium of performing arts organizations who present and promote dance, music, theatre, and visual arts in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and New Mexico. SWPAP's main purpose is to promote cooperative efforts among its members. These include booking collaborations, networking and professional development workshops, a listserv for members, and regular membership meetings.